Shaqo Platform trains Somali youth, tests their new skills and connects them to jobs so they can thrive!

Shaqo Platform

A young and jobless generation!


Somalis under 30 constitute around 70% of the population, and the youth unemployment rate is among the highest in the world. 


Extreme youth unemployment leads to challenges such as chronic poverty, despondency, mental illness, crime, drug abuse, susceptibility to extremist groups and ultimately dangerous migration.


This deeply affects the youth, their local communities and the whole society. 


Shaqo Platform is here to change all this. 

How do we create jobs for the youth?

Shaqo Platform

Green Jobs


We create green jobs for youth, nurturing their success in sustainable farming and small-scale food businesses.


Blue Jobs


We leverage maritime resources and enhance the entire fish value chain to unlock job opportunities.

Shaqo Platform

Digital Jobs


With digital skills, we open doors for the youth to local and global opportunities in a fast-changing world.

Shaqo Platform

Service Jobs


We boost youth employability in the service sector by enhancing skills and expanding opportunities.

Our 2030 goals



We will enable 6,000 youth to secure decent jobs through employment or self-employment, resulting in improved livelihoods for 30,000 beneficiaries.






We will start up or scale up 500 businesses, creating sustainable, impactful, and lasting job opportunities for youth and benefitting 50,000 community members.






We will train 6,000 youth in entrepreneurship, job readiness and other in-demand skills, improving their livelihood and revitalising their communities. 


Shaqo Platform



We will empower 50,000 youth, turning them into advocates for social norm changes, reduced inequalities and inclusive growth in their communities.



We have created 447 new youth jobs!


Since last year, Shaqo Platform has trained 953 young people in vocational, entrepreneurship and job readiness skills.


We have launched or upscaled 37 new youth-led businesses.


We have helped 502 young people secure decent jobs.


Become a part of our mission to empower more youth with opportunities and jobs.


Shaqo Platform

Shaqo Platform helps young Somalis get jobs to make their lives and communities better.

Green Jobs
Blue Jobs
Digital Jobs
Service Jobs
Our Stories