Blue Jobs


The Fish House aims to enhance the fishing industry in Hargeisa. It will serve as a fish training center with its own kitchen and fish restaurant. Our local partner, YEEL, is implementing our blue jobs concept.


With this new concept, Shaqo Platform aims to address the fish industry’s slow growth by providing resources, knowledge and job opportunities. The ultimate goal is to empower youth to not only work at the Fish House but also establish their own fish stalls. It especially promotes sustainability by turning fish waste into nutritious meals, contributing to long-term food security.


The blue economy at a glance

– Somalia has the longest coastline in Africa, stretching over 3,333 kilometers.

– Somalia’s coastal and offshore waters are home to 450 commercial fish species, including tuna, lobster and various species of shellfish.

– The potential annual fishery yield in Somalia is estimated to be between 300,000 to 500,000 metric tons.

– The fishery sector has great potential to boost the country’s economy if adequate investments are made in infrastructure, equipment and regulation.


How we create more blue jobs!

Shaqo Platform

1. Training talents

We equip the youth with valuable skills at the Hargeisa Fish House, where they learn everything from processing to cooking to selling fish.

Shaqo Platform

2. Testing talents

Our young trainees are given the chance to put their newly-acquired skills into practice while developing and improving their new business ideas.

Shaqo Platform

3. Thriving talents

We empower young entrepreneurs with funding, support, and mentoring, driving success while tackling waste, enhancing food security and creating jobs.


Help us turn the tide!


Your expertise, donations or partnership can boost our mission.


Together, we can create more jobs, develop the fishing industry and uplift communities for a brighter future.


Shaqo Platform helps young Somalis find jobs to make their lives and communities better.

Green Jobs
Blue Jobs
Digital Jobs
Service Jobs
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